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Our curly Stud Farm

Reservation contract for sales of a JAK CURLY horse


We propose to everyone interested a reservation contract with a 20% advance payment, permitting to block the sale of the horse for one month, non refundable in case of reluctance 


He became allergic to the animals he cares for and breeds! 
Jeroen Verschuren, my husband, who is a VETENARIAN has become allergic to horses and cats just a few years after obtaining his qualifications. For my part, I've always had horses and our life was tricky. It wasn't even needed for Jeroen to be in contact with a horse to trigger an asthma attack. During the years of the "allergy thread" i had to work between my horses and my husband. When one day I was on the internet and came face to face with a photo of a curly horse, titled "BASHKIR CURLY HORSE HYPOALLERGENIC" our lives changed ... 
Today, Jeroen is doing very well with his allergies and horses. He is happy to raise and heal his CURLIES without asthma attacks, giving him great pleasure!

We have observed that over time Jeroen had fewer allergic reactions. The CURLY is less allergenic than the "normal" horse , allergens are available in doses Homéopatique, Jeroen is gradually desensitized. Now he is able to be stand 5 days, such as for trade fairs, among horses of all breeds, provided he breathes fresh air frequently. We incorporated into our herd some other breeds , he has so far not responded to their contact. But his allergies to dust and hay are still present.