Curly Genetics
"The curly gene is a dominant gene, which allows, by crossing a Curly with another breed, to get with 50% chance a curly and hypoallergenic horse".
Genetics is the study of hereditary biological traits. Gregor Mendel, son of a peasant, established at the end of the 19th century, the bases of hereditary genetics.
We explained that a recessive gene is not associated with another recessive gene.
For example, if G is the "gray" gene and the g is "non-gray," the only time the horse will not be gray is there will be a combination of two recessive genes gg.
The only way to prove that a Curly is homozygous for the curly hair is to isolate the responsible gene (which is in progress, by the INRA) and to test its DNA to see if it is doubly carrier. No one can honestly claim that his stallion - or his mare - is homozygous for the curly gene. But there can be strong presumptions if Curly produces a large number of foals curly with non-curly horses. This is why we often see "suspected homozygote". Each new curly foal produces with a non-curly increase the probabilities.
We established the fact that genes go in pairs.
They separate themselves during the formation of reproductive cells (gametes) and these are the ones that unite themselves at random during fertilization (figure opposite).
In this area, the chance factor is rather called probability. An important part of genetics today is mathematical calculations using statistical formulas.
He defines terms like F1 and F2, the first and second generation of descendants.
Eager for information: Genetics - INRA here !